Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Historias del Juego: Un Castillo Discreto

Today, two students were playing in blocks:

You're lucky too! I managed to get a photo without faces so it's blog-worthy.

This is just a brief post, mostly to get myself jump-started on the back log of notes I have for different posts throughout the fall.

What was wonderful to see about this "castillo de casa para la gente para que se acuesten," was the range of abilities incorporated into play. My little pequeñita is one of my more advanced students , ready to tackle the world though maybe kínder first (she was the one who wanted to whack Trump). My pequenín has just recently learned how to build with blocks - for the first 9 weeks his version of block play was destroying everyone else's fabulous structures. But he and his area partner played beautifully and cooperatively for close to a half an hour ; she tolerated him throwing some people or grabbing some of the folks from their restful response, he watched and emulated the building and sleeping actions.

After this photo was taken, he hurled the postman. His friend coached him to bring it back, the postman went back to sleep, and when it was clean-up time they collaborated in putting away all the blocks into their designated areas. Hooray!

Tipos de juego: Social, Object, Fantasy